
#EndBadGovernanceProtest: A Chorus of Demands as the Anti-Bad Government Protest Approaches

#EndBadGovernanceProtest: Diverse demands surface as the protest nears, from constitutional changes to living wages and security reforms, with escalating calls for drastic actions.

As the clock ticks down to the highly anticipated Anti-Bad Government protest, a wave of varied demands has surfaced on social media, reflecting the multifaceted grievances and aspirations of Nigerian citizens. These demands, shared across various platforms, highlight a common call for change while also revealing distinct perspectives on the path forward.

Similarities Across Demands

A prevailing theme in the demands is a strong desire for comprehensive political and judicial reforms. Many lists call for the scrapping of the 1999 Constitution in favor of a new, people-driven constitution. There’s a unified push for electoral reforms, with specific emphasis on the use of electronic voting and transparent result transmission. The improvement of living conditions, including establishing a living wage and addressing the high cost of living, is also a common demand.

Another critical issue is ending insecurity and ensuring the protection of farmers and other vulnerable groups. Demands also frequently include calls for judicial reforms, aimed at combating corruption within the judiciary and ensuring justice for all.

The demand for accountability and transparency in governance is echoed across different lists. This includes calls for the publication of government spending and income, as well as the prohibition of excessive spending on luxuries by public officials.

Diverse Voices and Specific Demands

While the overarching themes align, specific demands vary:

1. Economic Relief:

  • Kator #EndSARS, a filmmaker, emphasized reversing fuel prices to their pre-May 29, 2023, levels and reducing electricity tariffs. He also called for public officials to be placed on the same minimum wage as civil servants and demanded the criminalization of brutal force by security agents against citizens.

2 .Healthcare and Education:

  • Some lists demand a ban on foreign medical trips for public officials and mandatory use of public hospitals. There is also a strong call for a state of emergency in education, with an increase in funding and a ban on public office holders sending their children abroad for education.

3. Government Accountability:

  • The demands include ending wasteful government spending, such as scrapping the Senate and reducing the costs associated with the executive and National Assembly. There’s also a call for the immediate release of all EndSARS protesters and the implementation of recommendations from judicial panels.

4. Unique Proposals:

  • Some demands stand out for their specificity, such as the proposal to sell the Presidential Yacht and discontinue the funding of religious pilgrimages with public funds. There’s also a call for civil servants and public officials to educate their children within Nigeria.

A Warning to the Government

A notable warning accompanying these demands is a stark message:


This underscores the heightened tensions and the potential for a shift in the protest’s focus if violence occurs.


As these demands continue to circulate and gain traction, BlaccTheddi Post encourages readers to stay informed and engaged. This protest represents a critical moment for Nigeria, with citizens uniting to voice their dissatisfaction and hopes for a better future. BlaccTheddi Post will provide ongoing coverage and updates, ensuring that the voices of the people are heard and respected.


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