President Tinubu’s Pledge Directive Misses the Mark

President Tinubu’s Directive for Mandatory Recitation of National Pledge :A Flawed Approach to National Unity

President Bola Tinubu’s recent directive for the mandatory recitation of the National Pledge after the National Anthem at every official and public engagement is commendable in its intent to promote national values. However, its effectiveness in achieving the stated goals of ensuring absolute respect for the national symbols, strengthening allegiance and fidelity to the country, and preserving Nigeria’s ethos and defining character is questionable.

The directive overlooks the underlying issues that hinder genuine allegiance and fidelity to the country. While national symbols and pledges are important, they are symbolic without tangible actions and policies that address the root causes of discontent and disillusionment among citizens. Good governance, accountability, and the provision of basic amenities are crucial for fostering a sense of pride and belonging to the nation.

Furthermore, the directive fails to acknowledge the role of leadership in inspiring loyalty and patriotism. True allegiance to the country arises from a sense of belonging and pride in the nation’s achievements, which are nurtured through effective leadership that prioritizes the welfare of its citizens. If Nigeria had better infrastructure, healthcare, education, and opportunities for all, there would be no need to compel people to identify with the motherland through recitations.

President Tinubu’s emphasis on relaunching the National Pledge as a commitment to the values, greatness, and hope of Nigeria is commendable. However, this commitment must be reciprocated by the government through concrete actions that improve the lives of Nigerians. Empty pledges and symbolic gestures cannot substitute for tangible improvements in governance and the economy.

It is also important to note that patriotism cannot be enforced through directives. True patriotism is a voluntary expression of love and loyalty to one’s country, nurtured through positive experiences and a sense of belonging. Compelling people to recite pledges does little to instill genuine patriotism; instead, it risks breeding resentment and cynicism towards the government.

In conclusion, while President Tinubu’s directive may be well-intentioned, it is a superficial approach to addressing the deeper issues of national unity and patriotism. To truly strengthen allegiance and fidelity to the country, Nigeria needs leaders who lead by example, prioritize the welfare of their citizens, and create an environment where people feel valued and proud to be Nigerian.

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