Kagame’s Fourth Term Bid: Rwanda’s Political Maestro Plays His Hand


Kagame’s Fourth Term Bid: Rwandan President Paul Kagame has officially declared his intention to seek a fourth term in the upcoming election, expressing his confidence in securing another victory  Kagame recently authorized the retirement of several high-ranking Rwandan Defense Force (RDF) generals, including notable figures like senior presidential security advisor James Kabarebe, following the military coup in Gabon that ousted President Ali Bongo.


In an interview with the French magazine “Jeune Afrique,” President Kagame reaffirmed his candidacy, expressing gratitude for the trust shown by the Rwandan people. He stated,

“I am happy with the confidence that the Rwandans have shown in me. I will always serve them, as much as I can. Yes, I am indeed a candidate.”

When questioned about the West’s perspective on his decision to run again, Kagame responded,

“I’m sorry for the West, but what the West thinks is not my problem. People are supposed to be independent and should be allowed to organize themselves as they wish.”

In light of President Paul Kagame’s announcement of his candidacy for a fourth term and his notable impact on Rwanda’s history, we invite you to share your thoughts and opinions. What do you believe the future holds for Rwanda under his leadership, and how do you view his approach to governance and international relations? Your insights and perspectives are valuable as we consider the implications of his decision to run again

A brief overview of Paul Kagame: Born on October 23, 1957, he is a Rwandan politician and former military officer who has served as the President of Rwanda since 2000. He previously led the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), a rebel armed force that played a crucial role in ending the Rwandan Civil War and the genocide. Kagame held positions as Vice President and Minister of Defence under President Pasteur Bizimungu from 1994 to 2000, effectively serving as Rwanda’s de facto leader during that time. After the genocide, Kagame assumed the roles of Vice President and Minister of Defence, while Pasteur Bizimungu served as president, albeit with limited domestic authority. Kagame’s leadership was widely seen as instrumental in shaping Rwanda’s post-genocide government.


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