
President Tinubu Opens African Counter-Terrorism Summit in Abuja


The Counter-Terrorism summit, organized with the support of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), has officially commenced in Abuja, Nigeria, with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu delivering the opening address. The summit’s objective is to enhance multilateral counter-terrorism cooperation and reshape the international community’s collective response to terrorism in Africa, emphasizing the importance of African-led and African-owned solutions.

In a press release issued by the Presidency, it was announced that the summit would provide a platform to review the nature and severity of the terrorism threat on the continent. The objective is to agree on concrete strategic priorities and measures to address this scourge, fostering deeper regional collaboration and enhancing institutional capacity.

During his opening speech, President Tinubu emphasized the urgency of the current situation and the priority it must be given above other matters. He thanked the attendees for their commitment to ending the threat of terrorism and highlighted the need for African-led and African-owned solutions.

President Tinubu stated,

“Terrorism snipes at the very fabric of the tranquil, prosperous and just societies we seek to build for ourselves and our children. Terrorism’s harm is felt far and wide for the very reason that it has no respect for national boundaries, ethnic bloodlines or religious creeds. We must, therefore, fight this threat together, combining determined national efforts with well-tailored regional and international collaboration.”

He also stressed the importance of addressing the root causes of extremism, such as poverty, marginalization, and social injustice, stating,

“While we seek to address the root causes of terrorism, we must also attack the roots that feed this evil branch.”

In closing, President Tinubu urged the attendees to make the meeting historic and productive, emphasizing the importance of leaving with real results. He expressed his commitment to working with regional partners to defeat the terrorist scourge and called on leaders to show that the safety and welfare of their people are paramount.

The African Counter-Terrorism Summit represents a crucial step in the ongoing fight against terrorism in Africa. It brings together key stakeholders to forge a path towards a safer and more secure continent.

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