Tompolo’s Private Security Foils Crude Oil Heist


Nigerian Security Operatives Intercept Massive Vessel with Stolen Crude Oil in Delta

In a significant breakthrough against crude oil theft in Nigeria, security operatives have intercepted a massive vessel carrying stolen crude oil. The vessel, named MT TURA II, was apprehended by Tompolo’s private security contractors, Tantita Security Services, engaged by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). This development marks a decisive blow against illegal activities plaguing the country’s oil industry. Is this a sign of a better Nigeria? Let’s delve into the details.

The Intercepted Vessel: On July 7, 2023, Tantita Security Services intercepted the MT Tura II, owned by HOLAB MARITIME SERVICES LIMITED, as it was en route to Cameroon with 150 metric tonnes of stolen crude oil. The vessel had been operating in stealth mode for an astonishing twelve years, evading detection and without any valid documentation.

Illegal Sourcing and Destruction: Preliminary investigations revealed that the stolen crude oil was illegally sourced from an offshore well in Ondo State, Nigeria. Recognizing the severity of the crime, the authorities decided to destroy the vessel as a stern warning and deterrent against future illegal activities.

NNPC’s Concerns and Efforts: The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has long highlighted the detrimental consequences of crude oil theft. These include economic losses, corruption, environmental damage, and social instability. NNPC emphasizes the need to combat crude oil theft and pledges to continue its efforts in this regard. The interception of the MT Tura II is a testament to the corporation’s commitment to curbing illegal activities within the oil industry.

Tompolo’s Recent Congratulatory Message: Three weeks ago, former militant leader Tompolo, also known as Government Ekpemupolo, extended congratulations to Nuhu Ribadu on his appointment as the National Security Adviser (NSA) of Nigeria. In a full-page advertisement published in the Vanguard newspaper, Tompolo expressed his felicitations to Ribadu, considering him a brother and friend. He commended President Bola Tinubu for selecting Ribadu based on his extensive experience and exemplary performance in the Nigerian security sector. Tompolo expressed confidence in Ribadu’s ability to introduce innovative measures to enhance the nation’s security apparatus, while invoking blessings for his success in the new position.

A Promising Future for Nigeria: With the interception of the MT Tura II and the appointment of Nuhu Ribadu as the National Security Adviser, Nigeria may be witnessing the beginning of a positive transformation. The coordinated efforts of security operatives and the determination of key individuals to tackle issues plaguing the country’s oil industry and overall security are encouraging signs. While challenges undoubtedly remain, these recent developments provide hope for a better Nigeria.

Conclusion: The interception of a vessel carrying stolen crude oil in Delta State represents a significant achievement in the fight against oil theft in Nigeria. Tompolo’s private security contractors, Tantita Security Services, played a pivotal role in apprehending the MT Tura II, which had operated stealthily for over a decade. The incident highlights the importance of curbing illegal activities within the oil industry to combat economic losses, corruption, environmental damage, and social instability. Additionally, the recent appointment of Nuhu Ribadu as the National Security Adviser adds to the optimism for a brighter future in Nigeria. While challenges persist, these developments serve as a promising step forward in building a more secure and prosperous nation.

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