Buckling the Budget: Bandits Demand N40 Trillion for Release of Captives


In a brazen display of audacity, the bandits behind the recent spate of abductions in Kaduna have made a staggering demand for their captives’ release: N40 trillion, along with a fleet of vehicles and motorcycles. This demand, coming on the heels of the abduction of 287 schoolchildren in Kuriga, highlights the escalating crisis of insecurity in the region.

The community of Gonin Gora, still reeling from the shock of the abductions, is now faced with an impossible ransom demand. As John Yusuf, a community leader, aptly puts it, “Even if we sell the entire community, we cannot raise N40 trillion.”

The sheer magnitude of this demand underscores the urgent need for decisive action to tackle the menace of banditry in Kaduna. The establishment of a military base in the area, as proposed by Yusuf, could help stem the tide of these criminal activities.

The bandits’ demand is not just a reflection of their brazenness but also a symptom of a deeper problem. It speaks to the failure of governance, the breakdown of security, and the vulnerability of communities left at the mercy of criminals.

As a society, we must stand together against this scourge. The government must take decisive action to protect its citizens and bring these criminals to justice. The people of Gonin Gora, and indeed all Nigerians, deserve to live in peace and security, free from the fear of abduction and violence.


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