
Nigeria Weekly Roundup: A Recap of the Latest News and Developments


Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in Nigeria this week. From political controversies to security challenges and humanitarian crises, our recap brings you the key stories shaping Nigeria’s landscape right now.

Nigeria hunger Crisis: A Deepening Humanitarian Emergency

In recent years, Nigeria has been grappling with a lot of challenges, from economic downturns to rising insecurity and now, a looming hunger crisis. Still the giant of Africa, Nigeria is now facing a harsh reality where basic necessities are increasingly out of reach for many of its citizens.

One of the most pressing issues Nigeria is currently facing is the alarming rate of unemployment. With millions of young people entering the job market each year, the lack of available opportunities has led to widespread frustration and disillusionment. This, in turn, has fueled social unrest and contributed to the rise in crime rates, including a new wave of kidnappings and insecurity.

Adding to the country’s woes is its dismal performance in the 2023 Global Hunger Index, where Nigeria ranked 109th out of 125 countries. This ranking paints a grim picture of the food insecurity that plagues the nation, with a serious level of hunger affecting a significant portion of the population.

The combination of these factors has created a perfect storm of hardship for Nigerians, especially those living in rural areas and marginalized communities. The lack of access to food, coupled with the absence of viable economic opportunities, has left many families struggling to survive.

As , it is crucial to shed light on these issues and advocate for meaningful change. It is imperative that the Nigerian government, along with the international community, prioritize efforts to address these pressing challenges. This includes implementing policies that promote job creation, investing in agriculture and rural development, and improving security to ensure the safety of all Nigerians.

Ultimately, the plight of Nigeria serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for action. It is time for all stakeholders to come together and work towards building a brighter future for Nigeria and its people

Okuama Crisis: A Call for Peace and Justice

The Niger Delta region of Nigeria, known for its lush mangrove forests and rich oil reserves, has once again been thrust into the spotlight due to recent events that have rocked the area. The region, which has long been plagued by unrest and violence, is once again facing a crisis that threatens to destabilize the area.

Recent reports indicate that the Nigerian military has intensified its efforts to demolish houses in the Okuama community in Ughelli South Local Government Area, Delta State. The deployment of three swamp buggies to the community has led to the demolition of over half of the community, sparking fears among residents that a military barracks may be built on the land.

The military’s actions have been met with condemnation from various quarters, with many calling for a thorough investigation into the matter. President Bola Tinubu has vowed to ensure that the perpetrators of the killings face the full wrath of the law, emphasizing the government’s commitment to supporting the armed forces in maintaining security across the country.

However, the situation in the Niger Delta remains tense, with troops continuing their manhunt for a militant leader suspected of being behind the killing of 17 soldiers in Okuama. The militant leader, whose origins are still a subject of debate, has reportedly fled to Bayelsa State, where troops are currently combing creeks and hideouts in search of him.

The killing of the soldiers has drawn condemnation from various quarters, with the Ijaw Youth Council describing the act as inhuman and devilish. The council called on the military to conduct its operations with professionalism and restraint, urging them to avoid reprisal attacks that could further escalate tensions in the region.In response to the crisis, the Delta State House of Assembly has called for a thorough investigation into the killings, urging Governor Sheriff Oborevwori to set up a commission of inquiry to unravel the root causes of the conflict between the Okuama and Okoloba communities.

The Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD-West Africa) has also called on the authorities to address the deteriorating civil-military relations in the region, urging them to conduct impartial investigations into the killings and ensure that all perpetrators are brought to justice.

As the Niger Delta region grapples with yet another crisis, it is imperative that all stakeholders work together to find lasting solutions to the underlying issues that have plagued the area for decades. The region’s vast oil wealth should be a source of prosperity for its people, not a cause of conflict and violence. Only through dialogue, understanding, and a commitment to justice and peace can the Niger Delta realize its full potential and emerge from this crisis stronger than ever before.

The Release of Kidnapped Kuriga School Children: A Triumph of Collaboration and Determination

The recent release of 287 school children kidnapped from Kuriga, Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna State, is a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of insecurity. The children, from LEA Primary School and Government Secondary School, Kuriga, were abducted, causing anguish and fear among their families and the community. However, their release, announced by the Kaduna State Government on March 7, 2024, brings a sense of relief and gratitude.

Governor Senator Uba Sani, in a statement, expressed gratitude to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for prioritizing the safety and security of Nigerians and ensuring the safe return of the abducted children. He also acknowledged the efforts of the National Security Adviser, Mal. Nuhu Ribadu, for his exemplary leadership in coordinating the operations of the security agencies.

The release of the school children raises questions about the process involved in securing their freedom. Was there a negotiation? If so, what was paid? These questions are important in understanding the dynamics of securing the release of kidnapped victims and the role of negotiation in such situations.

The collaborative efforts of various stakeholders, including the President, security agencies, and the community, were crucial in securing the release of the school children. The involvement of the Nigerian Army, in particular, highlights the importance of courage, determination, and commitment in combating criminal elements and restoring security in communities.

As we celebrate the safe return of the Kuriga school children, we must also reflect on the broader issue of insecurity in Nigeria. The kidnapping of school children is a symptom of a larger problem that requires a holistic approach. It is essential to address the root causes of insecurity, such as poverty, unemployment, and social inequality, to prevent such incidents from recurring.

In conclusion, the release of the kidnapped Kuriga school children is a testament to the power of collaboration and determination in overcoming challenges. It is a reminder that, with concerted efforts and unwavering commitment, we can achieve peace and security in our communities.

ISWAP Claims Responsibility for Killing Nigerian Soldier in Yobe State Attack

The Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) has claimed responsibility for the recent attack on a military base in Gujba town, Yobe State, which resulted in the death of a Nigerian soldier. The attack, which occurred on Saturday morning, saw the terrorists launching an assault on the military base, leading to the death of one soldier and the destruction of two military operational vehicles.

Gujba town, located approximately 30 kilometers from Damaturu, the Yobe State capital, has been a target for such attacks in recent times. ISWAP’s statement described the attack as targeting a Nigerian army barracks, using various weapons to kill one soldier, force others to flee, and set fire to two vehicles. The group also claimed to have captured a heavy machine gun, a medium one, and ammunition during the raid.

ISWAP’s increased activity in the region follows the death of Jamā’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihād (JAS) leader, Abubakar Shekau. Since then, ISWAP has been consolidating its presence in areas around Lake Chad, with a significant increase in membership due to the defection of hundreds of Boko Haram fighters previously loyal to Shekau.The Nigerian Army has reiterated its commitment to eradicating terrorism from the country, despite the challenges posed by groups like ISWAP. The terror group has been responsible for numerous attacks resulting in casualties and displacements, particularly in Adamawa, Borno, and Yobe states.

The attack in Gujba town serves as a grim reminder of the ongoing threat posed by terrorist groups in the region. The Nigerian government and security forces continue to work tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of all citizens, with a focus on eliminating the menace of terrorism from the country.


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