Christians Are the Most Endangered in Nigeria

In recent years, Nigeria has experienced a surge in violence targeting Christians, with 2023 being the bloodiest year yet for Islamist attacks against the Christian population. According to a report by the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Intersociety), over 8,000 Christians were killed in a 13-month period from January 2023 to January 2024.

The report details horrifying accounts of killings, kidnappings, and forced disappearances of predominantly Christian communities across Nigeria. Various factions, including Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen, Boko Haram, Jihadist Fulani Bandits, and “Islamic-inspired” security forces, were responsible for these attacks.

Despite the Nigerian government’s mandate to protect its citizens, the report highlights a woeful failure on its part, as well as that of the security forces, to address the escalating violence against Christians. The report describes Nigeria as the second deadliest genocide country in the world, with over 150,000 religiously motivated civilian deaths since 2009.

The systematic murder of Christians in Nigeria is described as a “silent genocide,” characterized by the destruction of homes, places of worship, and educational centers belonging to Christians. The report also mentions the kidnapping and disappearance of thousands of Christians, as well as the displacement of entire communities.

These atrocities have not gone unnoticed, as international organizations have listed Nigeria among ongoing genocides in the world. Despite these alarming statistics and reports, there has been a lack of media coverage and global attention to the plight of Christians in Nigeria.

Moreover, recent allegations by Rev Timothy Daluk, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) chairman of Mangu Local Government Area, Plateau State, suggest that the Nigerian military may be complicit in the violence against Christians. Rev Daluk accused the military of supervising the displacement of Christians and turning a blind eye to attacks by Muslim militias.

As concerned individuals and members of the global community, it is imperative that we raise awareness about the plight of Christians in Nigeria and call for action to end the violence. We must urge the Nigerian government to investigate these allegations thoroughly and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

Furthermore, we must support organizations and initiatives that provide aid and assistance to victims of violence in Nigeria. It is only through collective action and solidarity that we can bring an end to the suffering of Christians in Nigeria and ensure that all people can live in peace and security, regardless of their religious beliefs.

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